Wednesday, January 17, 2007


When we sent our first child off to school I experienced a jarring moment, an epiphany. I had been teaching young children for many years, advising parents on a wide range of issues, including the best and most painless ways to separate from their youngsters at school. When my own time came, I found that all my good advice to others was impossible to follow myself.... I felt like a midwife friend of mine who had assisted in the births of hundreds of babies before her own first child was born. In the middle of labor she cried out, “I’ve told hundreds of women, ‘you can do it,’ and it can’t be done.” – William Ayres

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting choice of heroes for a fifth grade teacher to quote, especially in light of recent indictments against Dr. Ayers for molesting his adolescent male patients.

He must have found it very hard to let go indeed...